
White-Clean Jekyll Theme


Table of Contents

  1. Identity
  2. Social
  3. Content

So you have a fresh new empty blog. Now it’s time to claim it your own by supplying your information such as the name and logo.

The configuration file for this task is located at _config.yml. Each time you edit this file, you must restart Jekyll in order to apply the changes made.

There are 4 sections in this config file: identity, social, content and engine. However, you need to change only first 3 sections; the last section consists of the theme’s default variables and must not be altered if you want your blog to be working properly.


We begin with the identity setting: who you are. You must fill in every box in this section.

Field Description
title Blog name. Shown on top of the page.
description Blog description, should be short. Shown under blog name.
logo Path to logo image, 256x256 pixels. Shown on top of the page, and also used as HD icon.
cover Path to cover image, 1200x630 pixels. Will be used as a placholder image when released.
baseurl If you host your blog at root URL, leave this blank. Otherwise, it’s an URL path to your blog after domain name with leading slash.
url Your blog URL domain name without trailing slash, but with the protocol (use https:// to force HTTPS).
owner Person or organization who own this blog. Shown in ‘rights’ notice at bottom of the page.
rights Legal conditions, e.g., “All Right Reserved”, “CC BY-NC”.


title:       Polar
description: White-Clean Jekyll Theme
logo:        "/assets/img/logo.png"
cover:       "/assets/img/cover.png"

baseurl: "/polar"
url:     "https://neizod.github.io"

owner:  neizod
rights: All Right Reserved

You also need to change the above 2 image files and a file /favicon.ico.


This section is about social & sharing config. You may omit some or all of the config here.

Field Description
google.analytics Google Analytics tracking id
google.verification Google Search Console verification token in <meta> tag
facebook.username Facebook username of the owner: a profile or Facebook page.
facebook.app_id Facebook Apps (is not necessary, but recommended by Facebook)
twitter.username Twitter username of the owner, without preceeding @ symbol.
twitter.large_img Shown as a large image when sharing to Twitter. Choices are: never, content (if content has image), or always.
disqus.username Need a comment system? Supply your Disqus username here.


  analytics:    "U-8152342-4"
  verification: "-dhsoFQadgDKJR7BsB6bc1j5yfqjUpg_b-1pFjr7o3x"

  username: neizod
  app_id:   4815162342

  username:  neizod
  large_img: never

  username: neizod


This section is a bit short, since there will be a config like this in file _data/theme.yml too. It exists here since Jekyll requires it to be here.

Field Description
timezone Your timezone, either in <region>/<city> format or +-tttt. Is not required if you really don’t care about the exact time of each of the blog posts.
paginate Number of posts displaying in “List Posts” page.
mathjax Need LaTeX math? If true then insert inline math with single dollar ($), displayed math need own lines and double dollar ($$). Prepend backslash for normal one (\$).


timezone: Asia/Bangkok
paginate: 10
mathjax:  true